Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Commissioners (and the Holy Spirit) at Work

The commissioners to the 219th General Assembly have completed the committee part of their work. Monday and Tuesday were intensely committed to deliberating over the overtures to the General Assembly that had been assigned to the 19 different committees. These overtures came to the General Assembly from many of the Presbyteries across the nation. There were also reports from various tasks forces appointed by past General Assemblies that were considered by the committees. 

An overture advocate was sent by each Presbytery that submitted an overture to explain and commend it. In each committee where it was appropriate, open hearings were also held. Anyone could sign up to speak for two minutes for or against a specific overture or report. In the committee on which Judy Hubbard served, Middle East Peacemaking Issues, 160 people signed up to testify. Since there was not enough time alloted for that many speakers, a lottery system was utilized, insuring that that there were equal numbers of speakers for or against a certain overture or report.

At the end of the open hearings the committees began deliberating on the recommendations of each report or overture. Sometimes, the process could become laborious, as amendments, amendments to the amendments, or substitute motions were made in efforts to perfect the work and the thinking of the group. Some times, commissioners found themselves surprised at how their opinions had changed on an issue after working with their group over two days. 

I was witness to two of the nineteen committees during these days. I found the process and final result that each committee came to be an inspiring thing. The Committee on Middle East Peacemaking issues was considering a controversial report of the Middle East Study Committee. It drew a number people who came to testify or observe like myself. It seemed to me that coming to a decision on whether to approve the report and send it on to the floor of the General Assembly would be difficult, time consuming, and maybe impossible. On Monday night, a small group of commissioners from the committee stayed up all night, in order to carefully go over all the wording in the report and see that the language of it was as neutral as possible, yet speaking the truth of it to Israel. The results of their labors, was an amended document that received a unanimous vote of approval from the committee! This is a pretty unusual outcome for Presbyterians!

I also observed the end of the deliberation process for the Committee on the New Form of Government. This is also a controversial document within the church as it will change the way we get things done. Stated Clerks are especially concerned about the outcome of this deliberation and the changes it may produce. I entered the room, just as the committee was in conversation  as to whether to approve the New Form of Government plan with the amendments they had made and send it on to the floor of the General Assembly, or whether, to simply keep the conversation going in the church for now and not make any changes. The YAADs or Young Adult Advisory Delegates seemed to have had a big influence on this committee. They were thanked for keeping the committee aware that changes will have to be made to allow the Spirit to work in the future church and for growth and creativity to occur. A number of people expressed how their minds had been changed during the conversation and that they believed that now was the time to take a communal risk for change. The report was approved by a large majority.

After an evening and morning's break, these and all overtures and reports will go to the plenary sessions in the next few days. along with the recommendations of each of the committees that dealt with them. It will be fascinating to see how the entire body of commissioners receives, changes, or rejects them. This will not be the end of the process for those overtures that make changes to the Book of Order or the Book of Confessions. These will be sent on to the Presbyteries for their approval or not in the coming year. 

All of the commissioners, except our YAAD, who was spending the evening with the other YAADs at the Mall of America, met to break bread together and relax for awhile at a local Italian place which served us family style. Included in the group were also other members of the presbytery who have been drawn here as staff, former staff, observers, representatives of affinity groups, and GA enthusiasts.  It was a good evening to celebrate.

Please give thanks for the work of the Holy Spirit and our committed commissioners for what has happened among us so far. 

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